Jim White, Aficionado of the Found
Below you’ll see Jim White, producer and aficionado of the found, recording improvisations on his homemade bell-box contraption for “Simon Says.”
Thanks to Jim, who’s producing it, the song has finally taken on a life of its own. A few months back I was toying with the idea of leaving this song off the new record, because an arrangement was eluding me. What we did this weekend was lovely, thanks to Jim, Suny, Andrew, JoJo, and Liz.

JoJo in a Cibachrome Haze
JoJo Glidewell (Modern Skirts) developing a very pretty piano line for “Simon Says.”

My Middleschool Dream
If not for braces, I would’ve played the French horn in middle school. Instead, I had to play baritone. Liz Hartin made a dream deferred finally come true today. Here she is tracking French horn on “Simon Says.”