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Thugs and China Dolls: Now In Stores

Thugs and China Dolls Art

Upcoming Shows

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Mazarine Records


U.S. Publicity:

Jeffrey Smith
Crash Avenue
jeffrey [at] crash-avenue [dot com]


European Publicity:

Peter Holmstedt
peter.holmstedt [at] telia [dot com]
+46 (0)33.26.0210



Dare likes to play any place where people want to hear him—living rooms, stadiums, art galleries, derelict strip malls, glitzy music venues filled with trend-setting starlets, fire-gutted churches with free enchiladas. Write STS Booking, and together we will find a way:

Bright Elephant [at] gmail [dot com]


Dare Dukes

dd [at] daredukes [dot com]








I had the great pleasure of playing Grocery on Home in Atlanta last night with Jim White.  Grocery on Home is one of my favorite venues.  Matt Arnett, the proprietor, is nice as nice can be (he brought me herbal tea with honey when I told him I was sick).  The audiences there are like a giant family–supportive and attentive and warm.  And, as always, Jim White blew me away.  It was so great to be able to share a stage with him again.  Matt Jarrard of Atlanta’s Oryx and Crake and Book Club backed me up on cello and did a stupendous job.  I only wish he was visible in this photo.


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